Last Minute Preparation & Important tips for IPCC Accounting June 2020 Exam


Updates and details for Last Minute Preparation & Important tips for IPCC Accounting 2017:

During the examination time period, if you have less time to the revision of IPCC  Account subject, then you should try the following steps to revision for your better performance. I think it will help you to revise important things in short time.


tips for exams image

Here is Last minute revision topics & Important tips for (Accounts – IPCC)- Group I. Read it carefully to score good.


Read also: Tips to get Good marks in IPCC Advanced Accounting Paper

  1. You should solve previous questions and examples of Study material of AS (10-12 Marks) from previous year papers.
  2. Join up and once read out journal Entries of Internal Rebuilding. (16 Marks)
  3. Then concentrate on Cash Flow Statement- (8 Marks)
  4. Bonus Issue & Incomplete Record (12-16 Marks)
  5. After completing the above steps, take the next step as Account current & theory chapter especially focus on Pre-packaged software topic. (4-10 marks)
  6. During the examination, read the question properly in first 15 minutes and make sure it will not waste your time otherwise you will not be able to attempt the whole paper.
  7. Start each answer from the new page and Solve all subparts of one question at the same place.
  8. Make proper formats and headings for each subpart of answer
  9. Make proper working notes. It plays a vital role in step marking. Whatever calculation you do name it as working note.
  10. Don’t pay unnecessary time in solving particular question because if you waste your time in 1 question, then you will not give the proper time for others. And it will generate problems for you.
  11. If you are using any formula in your solution then first write it and after that put numbers or figures in it. This will show your knowledge about formulas.

Recommended Articles:

  1. IPCC Amendments May 2017
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  5. IPCC Admit Card May 2017
  6. IPCC Suggested Answers Nov 2016
  7. IPCC Important Questions May 2017
  8. IPCC Pass Percentage Nov 2016
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Bonus Tips for IPCC Account Paper:

In Accounting & Advanced Accounting paper, accounting standards are very important which weighs around 25 to 35 marks in each subject. So, please do it properly.

For better presentation, start with journal entries problem then ledger a/c after that final a/c problems. That’s why, because time management is very important in CA examinations.

Amalgamation and Partnership are also the most important chapters, solve atleast 1 some of all the types to get good confidence in this chapters. These can be asked for 24 to 40 marks in each accounting paper.


Hope you are satisfied with the information. If you have any query then you may ask about it. Best luck for your examinations. Keep trust in self and God. Thank You..!!

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