cpt important questions

CA CPT Important Tips & Self Assessment Questions for 2020 CPT Exam


CA CPT July 2020 exam is coming closer day by day and therefore CPT students have started searching for CPT Important questions and answers, CPT important notes & MCQs for upcoming 2020 exam. I have gathered important tips and useful stuff for upcoming CA CPT exam.

cpt important questions

Tips for passing/cracking CA CPT July 2020

Here, I have given 7 most important tips for CA CPT exam. Kindly consider cracking CPT in the first shot.

1) Most IMP: Remember you will have to get at least 30% in all subject, so till the last attempt, generally CPT students were leaving Matches & statistic totally, but you can not do so as 30% rule is applicable. More details at >CPT Update: New 30% Passing Mark Rule is applicable in Dec 2017 Exam [Updated]

2) Accounting: Accounting is the scoring subject for CPT exam. If your account is well then your chances of cracking CPT is very high. In Accounting before starting revision of chapters/sums, first, study the whole theory of that chapter and then solve at least 1 or 2 questions from examples. All accounting tips @ Tips to Get Good Marks in CA CPT Accounts Exam.


3) Mercantile Law: Prepare Mercantile Law thoroughly, don’t miss any topic, refer all the acts applicability date & definition. because it was the only scoring subject after accounts. Contract Act is the important one.

4) Economics: In economics 1st complete Macro economics then go for micro economics. Macro Economics is also very scoring.

5) Quantitative Aptitude (Maths & Statistics): In Mathematics, first do the easy chapters which you had learned in school during 8, 9, 10; I am not remembering those chapters name but you should be knowing it. In Statistics, don’t miss Differentiation and integration, Correlation and regression and theoritical distribution as these are the important one.

6) How many answers to tick???: This is the most obvious question to most of the CPT students. I will recommend you to tick mark around 160 – 170 minimum if your preparation is not good enough. Don’t do foolish thing of marking all of 200 questions otherwise you may be failed with 7 – 10 marks missing.
I have personally seen peoples who tick mark all of them and fails, recently my friend had done the same mistake and he got 94 and failed and his brother had ticked 168 and he got 100 marks and was the luckiest CPT cracker. So, please keep this thing in mind. If you are well prepared then you don’t need to keep such restriction.

7) Be confident & Hard-worker: Last but not least study hard and do the hard work only because there is no substitute of hard work. And refer our most wanted article:- >How You Can Pass CA CPT Exams in 1st Attempt Easily


Best of Luck..

Get this too: Download CA CPT Admit Card & CA CPT Question Paper with Solution of Past Attempts

CPT 2020 Exam Important Questions for All the Papers

You should give this free self-assessment test online, all the important questions of CPT 2020 are asked generally in this test.

CPT Free Online Test/Self Assessment Test

Below I have given links for subject wise self-assessment test for CA CPT Dec 2017. This self-assessment test system is solely created by ICAI. We are heartily thankful to them for making such a wonderful services. Visit below link to give free online test / self-assessment test for CPT.

Free Self assessment test by ICAI for CPT

Give test and boost your confidence and then go for cracking CPT exam with ease.

60 thoughts on “CA CPT Important Tips & Self Assessment Questions for 2020 CPT Exam”

  1. dude i dont know nothing about maths n paper is 4 days from now
    im sure to attain 30+ in law n eco n 25 in acc easily but with maths im busted up
    i dont understand problems related to log plzzzzzz guide me

  2. hyy..i am maths student,,dec
    2013 is my 2nd attmp,the
    mistake i have did in previous
    paper that gussed many answr
    nd ticked them..i was attmptd
    170 que in june 13 but got only
    97 mrk besides i hv passed in
    all section..even i got 35 out of
    50 in math &stats but i
    failed..the mistake i have taken
    is only i gussesd answrs nd got
    negative marks mch..nw in this
    i will care nd i will pass..its nw
    my confidence

    1. Yes, now you will pass because you have understood the errors you did and you are confident, its the big thing. Go my friend and rock in CPT Dec 2013. Best of Luck !!!

  3. Sir ill do a silly mistake nd im in trouble now,ill tick all d answers in OMR sheet wid black ball point pen,but in instructns it is written dat use only HB pencil nd i cnt read d instructions carefully…..Is my answer sheet rejected?


    sir iam not that much good in maths so please tell some important chapters for jun2014 attempt to pass atleast with passing marks in maths.


  5. Kanhaiya Prasad

    i need most importent shortest notes for all subject related to cpt course… Plz send me, and also of ‘macro economics’

  6. Shubham jaiswal

    sir, my problem is i’m not math’s student and i forget 8,9,10 math’s sir please gide me ?

  7. i can pass my apt exam:but there is a silly mistakes in maths and stats so pls guide me

    1. i can pass my Cpt exam:but there is a silly mistakes in maths and stats so pls guide me

  8. syeda noorain

    I’m going to attempt june exam i have prepared but still feeling very much nervous can any one give me a hint that how to answer mathematics questions within that specific time without mistake

    1. Dhaval Shingala

      in mathematics,all sums are very easy if uu know about its shortcuts….there are many shortcuts for all cchapters.

        1. u should prepare easy and imp. topics in maths..
          like ratio. proportion.. equations.. s.i… c.i ,, sequence series.. limits..
          and if u still have problem then u can contact me..

          1. Sir I have solved full scanner than to my marks in maths have not gone to that passing level

  9. I am An arts student I want to know which chapters will help me to pass Accountancy as in last attempt only due to this very subject i failed to crack CPT examination with 8 marks otherwise my total marks was 123.

  10. sir i will write my cpt in june in which subject will most students loose marks or gain marks

  11. I am confident about Accountancy and Q.A. bt little bit worry about economics and law… plz provide important notes of these….

  12. guys this my second attemt or mujhe maths m bhut dikt ho raha h…specially in statctics

  13. Students be & listen carefully as ur elders say as well as professionals

    as prescribed above follow all the instructions………!!!!! 🙂

    all the best buddies……..!!

  14. Akash Vishwakarma

    sir give me sum suggestion for a cpt examination how do we me and my friend passed in first attempt

  15. sir, i have old cpt books……i want a new books/notes for cpt…….plz give me some suggestion

    1. Hii priya if you want some important notes of all subjects and previous attempt questions than you can get it by me..
      Send me you mail id than I will send u all files in your mail. ..

  16. Dear Sir, i am weak in math but not in accounting n other, sir what should i do now, im going for exam cpt june,

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